How it all started . . .
I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but have resided in Lake Charles, LA for more than half of my life. I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children, Russ, Louis and Alexandra. My mother, Bobbie, is the cook behind the recipe of Sweet D's Pralines that has been passed down through generations. Pralines have always been a part of my life. In Louisiana, we enjoy the experience of sharing food as part of our culture. Good food is an essential part of every important moment in life. My extended family is very close and we live within 3 blocks of each other. This is not unique in Louisiana. Family is the most important element of our lives, second only to God. Pralines have always been a part of our holidays, weekly family dinners and birthday celebrations for nieces and nephews.
For years, friends have encouraged my mother and me to start a business selling pralines so they don't have to wait until their praline Christmas gift each year. After much thought, it is with great pleasure to share the taste of our family's recipe with you. I am positive that you will not be disappointed and a Sweet D's praline will become the standard by which you will measure ALL pralines!

Sweet D cooking in the kitchen

Sweet Bobbie (my mom), Sweet D and Sweet Sherrie (my sister)